Once-in-a-Lifetime millionaire-making Revelations
That Lotteries Don’t Want You To Know!

Retired Professional Lottery Players Agree to Reveal Their Winning, Lottery-Busting Secrets So You Can

Get "paid" up to $8,250.00
or more from the lottery every month ... as regular as
a big, fat paycheck!

Charles Wentworth
Lottery Expert

There’s only one condition:
To keep from diluting their wins, they will ONLY give their secrets to 475 people ... and I have to pick them!

So here’s what I’m going to do. If you’d like to quit your job and live the good life making up to $99,000.00 or more every year the way professional lottery players do it ... you must be
one of the first 475 who click here within the next 10 days only.




Dear Friend:

If you’re like most people, you buy your lottery tickets, then you just hope and pray. And you hardly ever win ANYTHING ... let alone regular jackpots.

But there is a small group of people who win so often, they’ve turned winning the lottery into their business. A VERY PROFITABLE and EASY business.

On average, these professional lottery players rake in annual “salaries” of up to $99,000.00 or more by doing nothing more than “working” about 15 minutes a day applying their secret lottery methods. Many consistently make as much as $200,000 and more.


This may be your ONLY chance EVER to learn their secrets ...
and turn $20 into nearly $8,250 or more in easy lottery cash every month!

My name is Charles Wentworth. I’m considered the “grandfather” of lottery experts.

Over the years, I’ve personally developed many systems, using cutting-edge mathematical formulas, to help ordinary folks like you win lottery cash.

But believe me, I’ve never seen ANYTHING as incredible as the secrets these lottery pros finally decided to share with me ... and now with YOU!

I’ve known several of these professional lottery players for decades. And I’ve never stopped bugging them to let me in on their secrets.

Finally, out of the blue, they agreed to reveal their secrets on a VERY LIMITED basis. (They tell me it’s because they want to share, but I really think it’s just because they’re getting old and are trying to get in good with the man upstairs before it’s too late.)

Whatever their motives, here’s the bottom line for you:

Using a few very specific, highly-guarded secrets, these pros consistently cash winning tickets from several hundred dollars ... to $25,000 ... to $150,000 and more ... every single month.

That kind of winning is NOT luck. It’s a skill that blows statistics and mathematical probabilities right out of the water! And now these secrets can make you rich too!

One-of-a-kind, 2-pronged strategy makes it virtually impossible not to make up to $8,250 every single month!

Lottery pros know that results always move in tide-like cycles. They’ve perfected their secrets so you can AVOID losing when the tide is "out" ... and INCREASE winning ten times as much when the "winning" tide turns in your favor!

These secrets enable you to "ride" the winning tide and increase your winning chances by following a simple set of rules so you ...

  1. PICK THE WINNING NUMBERS -- They’ve perfected an easy-to-use system -- that requires ZERO math, and takes only about 15 minutes a day -- that simply and easily reveals the numbers proven to win most of the time!

  2. WIN MORE USING LESS OF YOUR OWN MONEY -- Their exclusive money management method shows you how to bet your money in a certain way to virtually ensure a big profit ... ALL the time!

That’s all there is to consistently pocketing the BIGGEST wins ... using the SMALLEST amount of your own money ... often turning less than $20 a month into nearly $8,250 or more so you can ...

Get out of debt!

Quit your dead-end job!

Take fancy vacations!

Drive the cars you want to drive!

Live in the luxury you’ve always wanted!

Have whatever you want!

Turn the lottery into your own never ending paycheck!

These methods have made the original users wealthy. And they have been kept secret for decades by real professional players. Until now.

You can get all these professional lottery winning secrets, with easy, step-by-step instructions, in a special guide called, "Ride the Tide Winning Lottery Method".

You’ll soon be able to pick the winning numbers like the pros ... and pyramid your profits into a fortune ... using virtually NONE of your own money.

With the lottery "paying" you up to $99,000 and more every year, you’ll always have the cash you need to live the life you’ve always wanted for ...


Fun nights on the town ... with no money limits!

Lavishing your lover with incredible gifts ... regardless of cost!

Taking lots of fun-filled getaways ... in luxury all over the world!

Treating your friends to amazing special gifts!


Fill your pockets with lottery cash starting the very first day!

Within 15 minutes, you’ll be able to start using these secrets to win all the different lottery games ...

From the daily games for hundreds and thousands of dollars ... to the big Super-Lotto games for thousands or even millions of dollars!

Trust me, these are so simple to use, even a 4th grader could become rich using them (if it was legal for a 4th grader to buy a ticket!)

Read what some of the first recipients of these secrets in the "Ride the Tide Winning Lottery Method" are saying:

"Been using your secrets and have made big money. I never dreamed these things would actually work. You caught me off guard with your winning methods." -- Garret M., St. Louis, MO


$1,800 IN 3 DAYS!
"I hit three daily pick games in the last ten days for over $1,800 in winnings. I’ve never won anything like this before and I hit three, it’s fantastic!" -- Susan B., New York, NY


"I’ve been using your lottery secrets and they work! I don’t just mean they win a little now and then, I mean they really work (big-time)! Anyone would be crazy not to try them. For what you’re charging, in my opinion...you’re giving them away!" -- Gus E., Albuquerque, NM

So cheap, it’s practically free. Plus you get 3 FREE BONUSES!

The lottery pros who revealed these secrets to me made me swear on my mother’s grave that I’d honor their two strict conditions:

  1. They forbid me from charging one dime more than my cost.

  2. I can only give these secrets to 475 people.

So here’s what I decided.

I will give you all the professional money-winning secrets in the "Ride the Tide Winning Lottery Method" for the ridiculously low fee of only $57.00 (plus $3.00 shipping/handling). Total: $60.

But ONLY to the first 475 people who CLICK HERE NOW within the next 10 days.

And that’s not all!

The boys have really outdone themselves. They got their professional gambler friends to cough up all their casino and race track secrets too.

So if you CLICK HERE RIGHT NOW and are one of the lucky 475 to get the "Ride the Tide Winning Lottery Method", you’ll also get these 3 money-gushing reports of secrets included ... ABSOLUTELY FREE!


Use the "Ride the Tide Winning Lottery Method" for 60 days. You will either be thrilled with wins up to $8,250 or more every month, or you won’t pay a penny. Just send everything back any time within 60 days, and I’ll send you a full refund of your fee per our complete wintrack guarantee.

If you are serious about turning any lottery into your own never ending paycheck, I urge you to CLICK HERE NOW.

Remember, the ONLY way you can lose is if you don’t reply fast enough to ensure you’re one of the lucky 475. Don’t wait and lose out -- CLICK HERE RIGHT NOW, before it’s too late.

Yours for BIG Wins,

Charles Wentworth

P.S. FREE FAST REPLY BONUS! CLICK HERE within 5 days, and I’ll also send you these 2 extra money-making reports ABSOLUTELY FREE! That’s 5 reports packed with secrets that can make you rich ... and they’re all YOURS FREE when you CLICK HERE NOW within the next 5 days only.


You must be one of the first 475 to respond.  Don't miss out!
Click here right now
or call (609) 443-0793!


Personal Memo From Professional Lottery Player
Mike Walters

Dear Friend,

I’m writing to you on behalf of me and my 3 friends who agreed to reveal our lottery secrets to Charles Wentworth so he could give them to you.

Trust me, if the lotteries find out we decided to spill the beans about their inside secrets, they’d make our lives miserable.

That’s why we made Charles promise he would only give out our winning secrets in the "Ride the Wave Winning Lottery Method" to no more than 475 people. That way, we can all still make a ton of money without raising any eyebrows.

And here’s the thing. Any ONE the bonus reports we’re also giving you FREE could make you rich all by itself. And you get FIVE of them.

So no matter how you like to have fun -- whether lotteries, casinos or race tracks -- we’re GIVING you the inside secrets that can make you rich ... TOTALLY FREE!

Look. We know you’ve heard people promise the moon before without delivering the goods. So that’s why you also get a money-back guarantee.

So what do you have to lose? Either I’m telling you the truth and you’ll soon be swimming in cash ... or I’m lying my tail off, and you get a full refund of your fee, PLUS you get all the FREE Bonus Reports.

Go ahead and change your life. CLICK HERE RIGHT NOW so you don’t miss out.


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Be one of the first 475 people who CLICK HERE RIGHT NOW and order "RIDE-THE-TIDE WINNING LOTTERY METHOD" to use risk-free for 60 days. You cannot lose. You win, or it costs you nothing!